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Gentleness: Turning the Other Cheek

Circle Time: 
Read and discuss Matthew 5:38-42. This is a mix of The Message and NIV. 
"Here's a saying that deserves a second look. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Is that going to get us anywhere? Here's what I propose: Don't hit back at all. If someone hits you on your right cheek, turn and give them your left too. If someone asks for the shirt off your back, hand over your coat as well." 
  • If someone hits you should you hit back? No
  • What should you do? Get a grown up to help, ask Jesus to help you treat them gently
  • If we feel angry, how should we react? Should we hit, or scream, or call names? No, we should stop, take a deep breath, and think about how God would want us to react. 
An example of a healthy coping strategy I like to use with little ones is "sponge breathing". Hold your arms straight out and squeeze your hands into tight fists, like you're squeezing out a sponge while taking in a big deep breath. Let it out slowly, while pantomiming the water gently trickling down. 

Dear God,
Thank you for being gentle with me even when I don't deserve it. Thank you for your love, help me show love to others even when I feel angry. I love you so much Jesus!

Object Talk: 
Gather some objects that are precious and fragile and put them in a box or bag. Introduce it as your "Gentle Bag". Talk about each item, why it's important to you, and why it's important to be gentle with it. Some examples of objects are figurines, dried flowers, or family pictures. Talk about how these things are easily hurt or broken, but have value.

 "Our friends and family can easily be hurt by the things we say and do, but those people have value to us and it's important to treat them gently. Even people who are mean to us, or maybe we don't like, they have value too and our words and actions can hurt them too. Everyone is special to God like these things are special to me. We should treat people gently too." 

Bible Story: 
 The story of David sparing Saul's life in the wilderness can be found in 1 Samuel 24 and is a great example of  not reacting in anger. Although David had plenty of reason to be really angry with Saul, he chose not to give in to his anger. You can read it straight from the Bible, I recommend the ERV or Message versions for kids since they use more simplified language. Or if you prefer a more visual approach, here's an animated video: David Spares Saul's Life (Psst! Here's a supplemental video about dealing with anger you can use if you need to fill more time: Daniel Tiger - Katerina Gets Mad)

Provide sheets of colorful patterned paper and encourage your group to rip them up. Glue them to a separate sheet, where you've written a reminder of what they learned. I got this idea from Flame: Creative Kid Ministry. Check out their blog post for this and other ideas for this Bible story. 

Take Home Card: 
A card with information about this week's lesson for parents.


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