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Discussion Questions:
What does it mean to pray?
Why is it important that we talk with God?
What are some things we could pray about?
Discuss the main parts of prayer. I like to assign each part to a finger, so it's easier to remember.
- Thank God: Be thankful for all God gives us, even in difficult times.
- Praise God: God is so awesome! When you pray tell Him how amazing He is.
- Pray for Others:  Tell God about people you love, people you struggle to love, and for those who are hurting.
- Pray for Yourself: Tell God how you're doing, ask for things you need, and ask forgiveness for your sins.
- Listen: Sometimes it's a good idea to just be quiet in God's presence, and listen for Him. 

Bible Verse: 
"We can cry out to you to save us, and you will hear us and rescue us." 

2 Chronicles 20:9

Lesson Idea:
Instead of an object lesson this week, I enlisted the help of a volunteer. I told the kids it had been so long since I'd seen them last Sunday, and I wondered how all my friends were doing. I asked each child about their week, and when I got around to my volunteer she wouldn't say a word. I kept trying to get her attention, wondered aloud what the problem could be, and told everyone I hope she's okay and not angry with me! I talked with the kids about how my helper and I are friends, and I care about her and want her to communicate with me. It's hard to have a relationship with someone who won't tell you anything. It's the same way with Jesus. He loves us, and wants to be your best friend. But it's hard to be best friends with someone who won't talk to you! 

Bible Story:
The story of Jehoshaphat can be found in 2 Chronicles 20. Here's a version I've adapted from the Message version. 
     Jehoshaphat received this intelligence report: “A huge force is on its way from beyond the Dead Sea to fight you. There's THREE whole armies and there’s no time to waste."

     Yikes! Jehoshaphat was really scared, so he prayed. He went to God for help and ordered a nationwide fast. The whole country of Judah united in seeking God’s help. King Jehoshaphat stood before the people and prayed, "God, you have always been good and always will be. You hold all power and might in your fist—no one stands a chance against you! We know that We can cry out to you to save us, and you will hear us and rescue us. Amen."
     God moved in the heart of a man named Jahaziel who told everyone, "This is God's war, not yours. You won’t have to lift a hand in this battle; just stand firm, and watch God’s saving work for you take shape. Don’t be afraid. March out boldly tomorrow—God is with you.”
     The day of the battle came, and Jehoshaphat called together a choir to sing and praise God. As soon as they started singing, the three armies got confused and fought each other! God protected Jehoshaphat and his people when they asked for help. 

Animated Story Video: Jehoshaphat - Saddleback Kids
Kids Tell The Story: Jehoshaphat & Prayer

It's a basic game, but play telephone! Use it as an opportunity to talk about how sometimes people can misunderstand us, but God can hear us even if we talk to Him silently in our heads. 

Trace each child's hand onto card stock, and write each part of prayer onto every finger. Cut it out and color!


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I created this website mainly as a place to store and organize my lesson plans and ideas, but also to share them with others. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 says "Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up." This job is not easy! But I want to encourage you that together we can have a good reward for our labor.